Thursday, January 27, 2011

*¤*.¸¸.·´¨`»FIRST BLOG ENTRY!!.·°·.»♫

For about a month, I've been ready to start this blog.  But writing the first ever post... that was daunting.  What finally made me pick today to do it?  Well...


                                     was born Mozart.
While he is probably among the top five most well known musicians and composers in Western Civilization, few people have heard of his whole name given to him on January 27th, 1756: Johannes Chrysostomus Wolfgangus Theophilus Mozart.  Johannes I understand, because everybody was named Johann, right? :) The Italianized-version of Theophilus later replaced Amadeus (meaning "lover of God"), which was a marketing trick back in the 1700's world of music.  However,  Chrysostomus, I was intrigued to discover, was chosen for this future master-musician because January 27th is the feast day of Saint John Chrysostom, the "Golden-tongued," in which people celebrate the life and accomplishments this "golden-tongued" pastor of the 4th century.  Mozart would certainly become a master communicator as well, though in a different way.

How about a little Mozart then?  This is my latest favorite of his choral works: Ave Verum Corpus K.618.

So, now, why this blog?  Well, my descriptive blurb at the side will tell you my purpose and focus:  to join a larger musical community online, provide resources, and motivate me to continue honing my musical skills and knowledge, especially as they relate to piano, for the glory of God, a goal which many of my favorite musicians strove for.

"It is a great consolation for me to remember that the Lord, to whom I had drawn near in humble and child-like faith, has suffered and died for me, and that He will look on me in love and compassion."

"Ubi caritas gaudet, ibi est festivitas."  
                                                              "Where love rejoices, there is festivity." 
John Chrysostom



Unknown said...

Wonderful post! :) The conductor in this particular piece looks like Steve Martin's dad. :p

Mary said...


Caitlin said...

Welcome to the world of blogging!! <3